Reading time 4 minutes

Disability insurance in Germany

Monthly cancellation available.

Disability insurance in Germany

Monthly cancellation available.

What is disability insurance?

Disability insurance serves as a financial safety net if you’re unable to work due to unforeseen occupational disability. Covered disabilities must result in a work capacity reduction of at least 50% lasting over 6 months. Common disabilities include mental illnesses like burnout and coordination impairments such as chronic back pain.

Public health insurance covers the initial 6 months of occupational disability. Disability insurance fills this gap until retirement or your ability to return to work.

How does disability insurance work?

You’ll apply for insurance with a requested monthly payout sum. This is the amount you will get per month after it has been determined that you have an occupational disability.

Why is disability insurance necessary?

Lost Income

Insurance offers higher income than unemployment benefits, vital for many.

Debt and Mortgage

Disability insurance compensates for lost income, helping with monthly debts and mortgages.

Childcare and Education

Having a safety net in case of disability ensures continued financial support for your child or partner’s education expenses.

Personal Lifestyle

Disability insurance preserves your lifestyle, covering activities like vacations, dining out, and movies.

Lost Income
Insurance offers higher income than unemployment benefits, vital for many.

Debt and Mortgage
Disability insurance compensates for lost income, helping with monthly debts and mortgages.

Childcare and Education
Having a safety net in case of disability ensures continued financial support for your child or partner’s education expenses.

Personal Lifestyle
Disability insurance preserves your lifestyle, covering activities like vacations, dining out, and movies.


Disabilities related to mental illnesses

About 1 in 4 people in Germany face mental health challenges annually. Psychological issues rank as the second most common cause of sick leave and the leading reason for early retirement. With the mental health add-on, your disability insurance covers psychosomatic occupational disabilities.

What isn’t covered?

Performance-based unemployment

Insurance coverage applies when you’re unable to work to a certain extent due to incapacity, not if you choose unemployment despite being physically and mentally fit.

Short term illnesses

Short-term illnesses, such as the flu or food poisoning lasting about a week, or a broken wrist lasting 6 weeks, are typically covered by health insurance and your employer’s sick leave.

Occupations that aren’t covered

Certain hazardous occupations are not covered by disability insurance, including working with hazardous substances, in crisis areas, at heights exceeding 10 meters, in aviation, diving, mountain sports, martial arts, motor sports, and other high-risk fields.

Intentionally caused illnesses

Intentionally caused occupational disabilities, including self-harm and attempted suicide, are not covered. However, our mental health add-on extends coverage in such cases if it’s demonstrated that these acts occurred due to pathological and mental disturbances.

Chronic back pain

Aleyna, a chef diagnosed with chronic back pain, finds support through disability insurance when she’s unable to continue in gastronomy. After the waiting period, she pursues a new career in design, confident in her continued coverage with disability insurance.


Steven is diagnosed with thyroid cancer and needs to have his thyroid completely removed while taking medication and going through therapy to fight off the cancer. After 3 years, he feels well enough to continue his former work and continues to pay into disability insurance at that point.

15% of the people who will receive disability insurance will have cancer-related occupational disabilities. In this scenario, they will receive their monthly payout until they can work or retire.



Peter embarked on an internship in his dream industry, juggling over 35 hours of work per week alongside his studies. Despite the strain, he excelled and secured a promising start-up job after graduation. Over the next four years, he poured himself into the company, clocking over 70 hours a week and assuming multiple roles to ensure success. However, the venture collapsed when a formidable foreign competitor entered the market, triggering Peters untreated burnout. Left incapacitated and unable to secure new employment, he relies solely on his disability insurance for income.

Protect Your Tomorrow, Today: Disability Insurance for Your Peace of Mind.

Protect Your Tomorrow, Today: Disability Insurance for Your Peace of Mind.

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